Thursday, April 23, 2015

The 7 Realities of Selfie Culture

I am not going to lie. I actually love taking selfies. It just so happens that I don't post them all because I do not want to appear like a self-obsessed freak on the internet, which I am not. And this leads me to the whole idea of the Selfie Culture. A long time ago, we would all use our cameras sparingly--we bring it out only during times of special occasions like birthdays or graduation. But with the advancement of technology and the newly-enhanced front cameras we get each year, every moment we receive suddenly counts as a special occasion. Whenever we buy a new pair of shoes, we have to study for a hardcore exam, or even when we're just sick in bed, we document the visuals in our smartphones. That's the Selfie culture. If you still think it does not exist, here are seven instances that prove that it truly exists.
1.) The existence of Photography Mobile apps
It's not a question that smartphones are now a thing among us. And if you are one of those people downloading Vscocam just to make your Instagram pictures look hipster or Tumblr-esque, then welcome to the world of Selfies.

2.) When you take more than one selfie and only pick that one special  shot to post to your Instagram
I'm not saying this is a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with expanding your options in terms of camera roll shots. But the idea of just picking the right selfie is not enough for us to realize that we are idolizing this brand new way of life.

3.) When likes suddenly matter
Upon entering the world of Selfies, we tend to wonder why our other friends get at least a hundred likes per selfie. For me, I am still trying to calculate the factors contributing to this surprising phenomenon. Is it because of the quality of camera? Is it because my friend can actually pose? Is it the popularity? The effects of the filter maybe? That moment when that person suddenly looked photogenic? Seriously, what did they do to get celebrity-accumulated likes?
4.) The dawn of selfie sticks!
Oh please. Do I really have to explain this?

5.) There are songs and published works talking about the selfie
But first...let me take a selfie!

6.)  When you take your picture-taking to the next level
You get extra lenses for your phone's camera, you actually ask someone to seriously take photos of you, you add more photography apps, you find a cute pet to pose next to you when you're really posing for yourself and not the innocent basically become an amateur photographer when it comes to your phone.
7.) When selfies plays a major part in building your self-esteem
Again, this is not a bad thing. If you feel confident just because you think you look aesthetically good in your pictures, then knock yourself out. It is time for this generation to stop putting themselves down and start embracing every part of their bodies. Selfies actually play a really big part in character building, unless you let it do its magic the right way. Seeing those great comments about your dress is great. And knowing that there are people who find you really pretty or hot, is good. We are actually exercising common courtesy here. Nonetheless, selfies help in confidence boosts at the time.

Till the next post~

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