Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Writer's Block: On Gamer/Geek Girls

For some odd reason, Gamer or Geeky girls create a huge buzz on the interweb. You see them on Tumblr, create fashion trends, or even on Youtube. And to be perfectly honest, I have no idea why they are such a big deal. From what I understand of social media's portrayal of them. they are the "rare-type-of-pokemon" girlfriend material for boys, simply because they understand the video game language and many other things. Now that's a bit strange for me. They're not really an endangered species. I have many friends who are gamer, geeky girls. Also, that very idea just became completely bizarre in a way that girls are suddenly pressured to look like gamers or just plain geeky. The question is why?

Recently, I saw this post on Facebook about the double standards that definitely made me decide to type this very post.

If you are attracted to girls who like playing video games and read comics then that's more than okay. It means they're your type and there is nothing wrong with that. But in this case, we tend to forget that gamer girls are not a homogenous species. They're people and they are all different. Not every nerd of geek wears glasses, or looks like a cynical hipster. She may be this cute shy school girl who cosplays, but that does not automatically mean she's going to be perfect. Diversity does not exactly equate to perfection.To the people guilty of this ideology, don't expect nerdy or geeky girls to look like the one on the right. Every girl looks freakin' different, deal with it. And to the girls in the world who are bothered by this picture, never fear. You don't have to look like nerdy Tumblr girl just to look physically appealing or attractive. Just be yourself and don't pressure yourself to get those hipster Raybans everyone else is getting. In other words, don't pretend you look Geeky when you know deep down video games or anime isn't your thing. As you all know, pretending to be someone you're not was never a good idea.

The bottom line is that we all (and will) get judged like these two girls. No matter what happens, deliver whatever you have and give it all you got. Because not everyone in this world will hate you. And if they do, then it's time to reflect and find out what the heck is wrong with yourself. Don't give yourself a personality goal and try to be this rare-pokemon gamer girl. Be you.

Till the next post~

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