Saturday, December 6, 2014

AND WE ARE BACK! Now it's time to talk about the second half of the greatest DC crossover of all time!

In Arrow, we finally get to know Captain Boomerang, whose motive is to murder Lyla, the ex-wife of John Diggle. Team Flash decided to drop by for a visit and eventually decided to help them with their mission whilst fangirling over their stuff. Is there another rivalry in this episode? Not so much. This time we see a conflict between the Flash and Arrow. Now time to talk about what I enjoyed in this episode.
1.) Cisco "I want to see the toys," said Cisco. He was just so freakin' adorable in this episode! He reminds you of this eager little boy that you would normally see in a toy shop, and Caitlin is like the mother who is willing to give him anything he wants. Cisco is my spirit animal whenever I watch my fandoms and I just love how he fanboyed over everything including Thea, surprisingly. Also, the brand new gear he gave Oliver was awesome right?!
2.) The Contrast Between the Two Shows This is clearly seen when Barry questions the way Oliver interrogates people. Other than that, we see how overwhelmed Team Flash is with the works of Team Arrow. The two shows are almost complete opposites. Aside from the fact that they're both based on DC Comics, they have different auras. The Flash is the light, and Arrow is the dark. So far, The Flash has not revealed any tragic deaths and psychotic murders (but I will be expecting that very soon). And compared to Arrow, the metahumans they take down seem almost harmless. So it is amusing to see Cisco and Caitlin react to the terrors of Starling City. As for Barry, I applaud him for telling Oliver off. It is not the first time that this happened, but it still felt refreshing to hear a mini sermon gain from another DC Superhero.
3.) Captain Boomerang He may be a psycho, but I gotta hand it to him...he was so awesome in this episode! I love how he fights and how he acts! I never thought you could fight and kill people with boomerangs. This guy definitely pulled it off.

4.) "Sweetie" Finally after so long... DIGGLE AND LYLA ARE OFFICIALLY GETTING HITCHED! I ship them so much and I really hope nothing bad happens to any of them. May the gods forbid.

5.) The Arsenal Outfit receiving recognition Roy seriously looks like a wounded puppy in season 3. So it is really good to know that he's receiving some positive recognition for his suit. Not only that, I can see Roy improving here, even if it was just a little. Gosh, either way, I'm so proud!
Now for the things I didn't like

1.) Laurel's appearance Seriously Laurel? You only approached Oliver just to ask if he was in Central City? That's it?

If you're seriously going to ask me which episode I like the best, then I am going to have to give it to Arrow. It sounds biased, but I can assure you it isn't. First of all, I got to appreciate all of the characters of Team Arrow and Team Flash. Unlike in the Flash, I did not get to see much of Diggle. Also, the conflict between Barry and Oliver seemed more personal in the Arrow crossover. At least, for me. Look at the bright side, Speedster viewers; Team Flash managed to own this episode. Not to worry though, the Flash crossover was still thrilling for me, and I adore the show as much as I adore Arrow. Overall, this 2-part epic crossover still feels like a dream. It's the best thing that has ever happened to my fangirl life, and I wish they will be able to make more of this. You hear me, writers? Make more of this, because it is too awesome!

1 comment :

  1. I disagree with the metahumans being not scary or dangerous, because Girder, Blackout, and Mist are pretty dangerous. Flash has an underlying dark tone to it to, it just gets dispelled because Barry isn't as depressing as Ollie =)))
