Monday, December 8, 2014

The Fandom Formula for the Perfect Boyfriend

It's a given fact that our world has brainwashed us with love stories that will probably never happen in real life, but let us not take this the hard way. Thanks to Twilight and to all those sappy fandoms we all love anyway, we already have in mind what  kind of relationship we want. We formulate expectations that eventually lead to standards. If this guy is nothing like the Remus Lupin of your dreams, then he is off the list. In other words, most (if not all) of the standards we create are based on the books we read and the stuff we watch. Don't deny that, ever since you saw this super hot fictional person, you suddenly envisioned yourself with a partner who can match those qualities. Admit it. 

Since I "love" math, let's look at it in the point of view of mathematics. I will try to create a formula, that may (or may not) help you find your dream partner for the rest of your life (hopefully). I'm no mathematician, but I am going to give it a shot. 

Okay, now a majority of our standards are based on the following criteria:
Looks- If this man has the incredibly deep blue eyes you are looking for
PersonalityIf he's an intelligent prodigy, a douche who is secretly a sensitive romantic, or something else
The Romantic GimmicksIf he is willing to close the entire mall for you so you can have your very own shopping spree without anyone interrupting, or if he  surprises you with a thousand roses when he proposes to you. You know, the sappy stuff.
SkillsIf he can do everything, or if he can't do everything.

Theorem 1 If  we managed to get all of these in a guy, then congratulations...he's the one (hopefully). So it is safe to say that if we add all of them, then that means your perfect match exists. Hence, this formula
Looks (60%) + Personality (15%) + The Romantic Gimmicks (10%) + Skills (15%) = The Perfect Boyfriend

Now how do we know if this guy's looks, personality, gimmicks, and skills can sum up to what we look for in a boyfriend? I'll tell you what to do. The first step is to grab a calculator. Or at least, open the calculator app in your phone. Just like almost every criteria we had to look at, each element we look for a man comes with a percentage. And in order to make sure this guy is the one, we have to compute for each trait.

 Looks (60%)
If you say looks do not matter to you much, then you are a liar. Looks are--unfortunately--everything. It's what we first notice from any person. We are drawn to the fictional characters in our fandoms simply because of the way they appear. It's true. We love only five physical characteristics from a guy and those are the eyes, hair, skin, face, and the abs. In order to get the 60% percent we are looking for, we head to our next theorem

Theorem 2 The looks of a guy in every fandom go beyond the scale of 1 to 10, and every characteristic has a weight, depending on what you prefer the most.

Corollary 1 We always prefer one thing more than the other. So rank the top five characteristics according to your choice. The first characteristic automatically gets a total score of 50, the second gets a total score of 40, and so on.
1.) Eyes (n/50)
2.) Abs (n/40)
3.) Face (n/30)
4.) Hair (n/20)
5.) Skin (n/10)
Corollary 2 It's all or nothing. So if the guy does not have the eyes of the Herondales, then that n automatically becomes 0. As long as the guy has the trait you are looking for, the score automatic becomes perfects. Afterwards you must multiply each by 11 (refer to Theorem 2) and add the total. 

1.) Eyes (50/50) x 11 = 11
2.) Abs (0/40) x 11 = 0
3.) Face (30/30) x 11 = 11
4.) Hair (0/20) x 11 = 0
5.) Skin (10/10) x 11 = 11
Total: 33

Now that you got a score, divide the total by 1.61803398875 (because that's the golden ratio) and then you multiply it to 0.60. You may round off to the nearest decimal place.

Looks: 12/60 

Personality (15%)
When you take in the personality, it is not just about asking what do you look for in a guy. There will always be something you will not like about someone. With that said, how will you measure a guy's personality and how do you know if it matches what you are looking for?

Theorem 3 Most of the male characters in fandoms are sexy for two things; their sensitivity and complications. We squeal whenever this male character has a cute moment with this female character, you name it. It happens in almost every Young Adult Fiction. Basically we appreciate the sweet, vulnerable, and soft side of every male regardless of the kind of complicated masks they wear. 

In books, movies, and shows, we are attracted to either the good boy or the bad boy.

Corollary 1 For the good boy, multiply 2 (because two is better than one) to 0.777.

2 x 0.777 = 1.554

Corollary 2 For the bad boy, multiply 2 to 0.666. 

2 x 0.666 =  1.332

Once you got the computation, multiply it to 0.15. But if you chose the bad boy corollary, then you have to multiply your previous answer to -0.15, square it, and then you multiply it again to a 100 because those kinds of guys take a lot of work.

1.332 x -0.15= -0.1998 ^ 2 =  0.03992004 x 100 = 3.992004

Personality: 4/15

Romantic Gimmicks (10%)
Nothing makes a girl swoon when a guy would wake you up from your beauty sleep with the most sweetest texts, ever. But if you are into extremes, you would love a guy who would purchase an entire island for you. Calculating a man's romantic gimmicks is probably the most discriminating part of this entire process. Why? Let's take a look at the next theorem.

Theorem 4 A guy's romantic etiquette will be based on his or her income. If you are swooned by the Edward Cullen-rich kind of man, then you have to divide his monthly income/allowance  over your monthly income/allowance. Interchange the two when you prefer the opposite.

If you want a rich man (signs: you want him to buy you very materialistic gifts, you want him to close down an entire store/mall/airport/restaurant/ship for you so you guys can spend some alone time together, you're into candle-lit dinners, you want to be proposed in the best way ever, you want him to hire a photographer on your proposal, you remind your friends that they should remind your future man to do these things for you, you basically want to be romanced with the grand and fabulous stuff in life):
The guy's monthly income or allowance / Your monthly income or allowance
If you want an average or poor man (signs: you don't want him to buy you that much gifts, being surprised by a flash mob is enough, handmade gifts are enough, to surprise you with breakfast in bed made by him, you want him to hold up signs for you saying how much loves and shiz, you prefer being romanced through songs, it's either you don't want gimmicks or you want gimmicks that do not involve that much money):
Your monthly income or allowance / The guy's monthly income or allowance

Corollary 1 You can't have both, even if you want two gimmicks of two different types to happen to you. You can't always get what you want and that's the sad fact of life. 

15 000 / 140 000 =  0.10

Romantic Gimmicks: 0.10/10

Skills (15%)
The way he plays pianos, the way he does flower arrangements, the way he dances with you under the moonlight....oh! And when he cooks for you??? Sighs.....Fandoms have the ability to create these kinds of guys. However, in this case, we would need a scorecard.

Theorem 5 There is a difference between having a skill and being good at it. The first thing you have to do is to create a list of the skills you look for. For each skill, you have an automatic weight of 100%. In this scorecard computation, it is up to you if this guy has the skills you are looking for. Define the score on your own (because you have the best judgment for this) and divide it by the automatic weight. Once you are done, add the total and multiply it 0.15
Pianist skills - 20/100
Intelligence - 50/100
Sewing - 100/100
Cooking - 80/100
Singing - 56/100
Dancing - 43/100
Has a way with children - 100/100
Athletic skills - 3/100
Poetry - 57/100
Art skills - 97/100
Mechanic Skills - 69/100
Gardening - 24/100
Flower arranging - 12/100
Total: 7.11

Corollary 1 If the skills you are looking reach more than 10, then multiply it by -0.15 and square it.
7.11 x -0.15 = -1.0665 ^ 2 =  1.13742225

Skills: 1/15

And we are almost at the end! Now that you've got the score of each, add them all up and if it reaches a perfect 100, then that means you certainly found the one!

12 + 4 + 0.10 + 1 = 17.1

Perfect boyfriend score = 17/100
Conclusion: He's not the one

If you do not get the perfect 100, then do not feel bad. There is one reason for that and it is seen in the very first theorem. 

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