Friday, October 10, 2014

Fangirl Moment! Arrow Season 3 and The Flash

This week has been amazing because....


of Flash and The Arrow!!!

warning: spoilers ahead

That's right! The Flash and Arrow Season 3 showed their very first episodes this week, and both of them are... "cool" (those who watched the pilot episode of The Flash will probably understand). I don't know where to begin, so I think it would be fair to talk about Barry Allen since his show came out first.

I like how it is not so red. (source)
Barry's forensics abilities are superb (source)

Overall, I was satisfied with everything I saw in the first episode of The Flash. For almost a decade, I have been waiting for him to have his own show or movie and lo and behold, this came out. My dream has finally come true, and I don't know what level of happiness I am experiencing right now. Call it a fangirl's mere "feels" explosion, but it is more than that (even though it is just a mere fangirl's mere "feels" explosion). In short, I am just so so SO happy that Flash has his own show. 

Stop acting cute. (source)
There are many things I liked in the pilot episode, and one of them is the deep friendship between Iris and Barry. First off, I'd like to say that it was a bold move for CW to give Iris a completely different appearance. In the comics and some cartoons, Iris is originally a ginger (yes, she is meant to somehow resemble Barry's mom). Most fans would be irritated with changes in appearances, but this is probably the first time I am actually okay with such changes. Perhaps because I was so distracted with the sweet chemistry going on between Iris and Barry. Come on, they look adorable. Even as friends. I just want to tape them together so they can just continue hugging all day long. Apart from that, I am appreciate the appearances of Cisco and Caitlin. For Caitlin...can I just say that she should totally grab some coffee with Helena? As blunt as it sounds, I can totally imagine them talking about their dead fiances. And Cisco is just the cutest thing! Carlos Valdes can be the perfect Leo Valdez because he has completely nailed his character. I can't wait to see more of the two of them. Last but not least, let us not forget Barry's interaction with Oliver. This scene was pretty overwhelming for me because it shows a whole new side of Oliver Queen, and it is awesome! He is so awesome that he deserves a big round of applause. Praise the heavens for such a great scene. But the scenes with Barry Allen in it can certainly top that. Since this is just the first episode, it is hard to say if Grant will be able to complete pin down the character of The Flash. He almost resembles the character of Peter Parker (specifically the one Andrew Garfield is portraying at the moment), however I do not find him too awkward, I just find him hyper and adorkable, which I really like. AND WHEN HE RAN AROUND THAT TORNADO??!??! AWESOMESAUCE! 

AWESOOOME!!! (source)
But what made me love Barry Allen is his witty and cheerful personality, so I am expecting to see more of that in the upcoming episodes. But at least I got to see one trait of him that I see in almost any Flash cartoon, is his capacity to love. For those who have seen the episode, if you haven't felt the slightest thing during his heartfelt conversation with his father, then I feel very bad for you. I think that scene totally defined who Barry Allen truly is as a hero...heck, as a person. It's the scene that makes him separate from any other DC character. His capacity to love is huge and the length of his faith can just go on forever...just like his speed. 

Professor Zoom
Now the things I did not like in the Pilot episode... I guess I have to start with Detective Pretty Boy? Not because he stole Iris from Barry, but simply because  he seems too predictable for me. I mean, the moment I saw him, I could already tell that he was going to make a move on Iris at some point, despite the fact of her being a detective's daughter (the father is pretty cool, btw). But one of the major rules of DC is to not ignore any character. So I am still going to watch out for him. Also, I do not like  Professor Zoom Harrison Wells! I may not be a professional actor or theater person, but I think his acting needs a bit more work? Seriously! You discourage Barry from being a hero, then all of the sudden you come back right in and give him the pep talk that Oliver already gave him??? Is that a way to convince the characters that you are not a total party pooper? Aside from that, I think the writers are dropping the plot twist bombs too soon. DC fans who have seen the episode most likely have a good idea on what is going to happen next. Like the newspaper he was viewing in the very last scene. If you are a DC fan and you watched the Pilot, then there is a chance you already know that it is not an ordinary newspaper. (Flashpoint Paradox)

You have failed this city (source)
The way I understood, nine months (thank you Diggle's ex-wife) have already passed since the second season. I have to admit, I had a really hard time containing my feelings during the first three minutes of the show because everything seemed so perfect and wonderful and I wanted to cry. Not only that, everything is slowly becoming a bit more accurate. Oliver is slowly regaining his jokes (even though they are still not that good), Laurel is hinted to become a part of Team Arrow (sorry haters), and Olicity is just at the margin, but not quite (sorry Olicity fans, but they were never really canon). Call me a fangirl with "feels" explosion, but this episode is too perfect words!
The things I love about this episode? Probably everything. My favorite scene will always be the very first scene when they took down the bad guy (whoever he was, I can't remember). From Roy's back flip to the random appearances of Team Arrow that intimidated the baddies, seeing them work together is truly a bliss. Heck every fight scene in the  show were incredible. So badass, so awesome. End of story. Like all the positive and ecstatic feelings were being mixed right inside my stomach and reached up till my heart to the point I almost lost my ability to breathe. And Katana's appearance nearly made me squeal! AND RAY PALMER!

Devon Aoki as Katana (source)
Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer (source)
Seeing them completely destroyed my grin because the muscles on my face could not handle the growing width of my smile. I cannot wait to see more of them in the upcoming episodes. Then there's John Diggle's baby girl! She is so adorable, she is like a human chipmunk that I want to cuddle for the remainder of my days (#DaddyDiggle)!!! And at first, I grew so nervous for Diggle because he had a screaming match with Oliver. So I thought maybe he would be leaving Team Arrow at some point. But everything turned out okay, he finally said Oliver was right and that's a first. A major first. And of course, there are the Olicity scenes. I am sure the date has been a scene that every single Olicity fan has been waiting. Also I'm certain that the writers were fully aware of that, so to tease the emotions, they had to cut the date short. Thank you, CW! As of now, I am in the middle of this whole Olicity thing. They were never canon to begin with and I am honestly a hardcore Black CanaryXGreen Arrow shipper. But I also want Olicity to happen, because in this series, Felicity seems like a much better match for Oliver rather than any other girl at the moment (ehem, Laurel, ehem). So as for the conclusion they had, I am actually very happy it ended that way (for now). Because it's realistic, at the same time it pulls on your feels, which I truly enjoy (and don't enjoy, at the same time). But after that episode I am not sure where my shipping loyalties in Arrow lie at the moment. Why? Well let's move on to the only thing I did not like about the episode.

The Canary's Appearance in Season 3 (source)
I understand that Sara was never meant to be The Canary in the first place, but did she really have to be killed off??? I actually love her and she was actually my number one choice for Oliver (besides Felicity). Up till now, I am still trying to process the fact that she died, and that I will never see her in Arrow ever again. A lot of theories has stirred up, regarding who killed her. Many said it was Ra Al Ghul, others said its Malcolm Merlyn, and this just in, someone said it could be Thea (who I am expecting to see in the next episode, by the way). Well whoever killed her, I want Nyssa to wipe the floor with that murderer. Because the killer of Sara Lance is truly an enemy that I will never have sympathy for. Unless its Thea. Oh well. Still, killing her off was not cool. Even if it is for the sake of making Laurel the Black Canary, since she is after the original Black Canary! First the writers made her go back to the League of Assassins, which made me so upset because a part of me knew she will never be on Team Arrow again Then they brought her back and that has given me a small light of hope. But no! They killed her off!!!! The foreshadowing of Sara giving Laurel the leather jacket was better than her murder. Now I don't know if I will be able to recover from this tragedy. She was such an amazing character. 

I guess I went a little overboard with the feels, but now is time to end this post. Before I do, I would like to do a little promoting. Currently my major class is handling a community blog revolving around tourism in the Philippines, and guess what? I want you all to pay a visit! Simply click here  and explore all the beautiful islands of the Philippines. Yes, I am a contributor to the blog and my posts are still under the username Tama-chan. I even have an individual blog called Tama Travels for this project, so you can click there for more detailed posts. The links will soon be available on my sidebar so stay tuned. So that is it and see you on the next post!

1 comment :

  1. Watch online drama Series Arrow Season 3 available in market . The series cast on Colton Hayness. Who is the little famous star in AMC .
