Sunday, October 19, 2014

1Dreamboy 2: My Story

Warning: Don't judge me

I am not going to talk about books, or movies, or even DC or comics stuff. I am going to talk about something that I never thought I would show on this blog.

And that's One Direction. 

This weekend, I pretty much spent my "leisure" hours on playing this Dating Sim game called, "1Dreamboy 2". How did I learn about it? Well, I saw Pewdiepie play the game a few times and as a Directioner, I automatically had the desire to play it (yes, I'm part of the BroArmy! *brofists any bros out there*). If you don't know what a dating sim game is, it's basically a simple role playing simulator, wherein you have your own character and you got this group of boys that all have a big crush on you. Not just any boys...they're hot, talented, sexy, romantic in every angle. The best part is, they're all crazy about you! The dilemma of this game is to pick only one guy. Only one. And that's difficult because all these guys have their own unique way of romancing you.

So yes, this is they type of game that is meant for people who feel forever alone, or have no chance in getting obtaining the perfect fairy-tale like relationship *points to self*.

Since this is a One Direction game, it is obviously created specially for Directioners. Fangirls, basically. It has been a while since I've played a dating sim game. Plus, I love One Direction (don't judge), so why not?

Like most dating sims experiences, the main goal is to have at least one of the guys to fall for you. Here in 1Dreamboy 2, you need to attain this in a span of 60 days. And just like most relationships, it's going to take a lot of works. You can't just ask the boys out that easily you need experience (in game language, EXP). So you need to talk to them (your response depends on the character, actually) until you guys become friends, then close friends, then best friends, and eventually boyfriend-girlfriend. Believe me, it's harder than you think. These boys started out as completely unapproachable and coming up with the right response is absolutely difficult. You can only get to talk to each of them once in a while and if you get the wrong response, you don't earn EXP. And going back and forth will worn you out, which will eventually leave you to go to sleep and move on to the next day (take not that you only have 60 days to woo them). Yes, the struggle is real. Being a fangirl is never easy.

Despite the rough start, it honestly got addicting. Whilst goofing off with the characters, I had to attend events (for more flare), study (for more knowledge because being stupid will not get you anywhere), work (for money because you'll be paying for the dates and gifts), and train (to become extra appealing, I guess). And the feeling of getting to the next level (of your relationship) feels... great. The mini-games here are pretty fun too. Challenging, but really engaging. I like how this game is not that easy compared to most dating sims I've tried. Also, as a fangirl, I got a whole lot of feels. A part of me wished that 90% of the game happened to me in real life, but another part of me is glad that they did not happen.

On this journey, I picked Liam to be my bae and believe me... it was so hard to get senpai to notice me. For Liam, you have to be really casual (don't get too fangirly, otherwise you are just going to turn him off). And the questions for the date are so hard! I think that was the most difficult part of the game for me, aside from getting into cat fights with the Mean Girls. But in the end, I won the guy's heart and everything else went smooth-sailing. There were times I wanted to go for others, as well. All the boys in this game certainly know their ropes to a girl's heart. I don't know with you guys, just having a guy simply asking me out makes me discombobulated. So yes, I went on dates with almost all of the 1D boys. The date that I did not enjoy the most was Louis', unfortunately. The mini game for that date was me trying to catch the soccer ball while Lou kicks it. So, it was more like a practice for Louis for the soccer game in the story, than an actual date. However, even though I reached the boyfriend level with Liam, the other boys still tried to romance me, which made me struggle even more.

Overall, I had a really great time playing the game. I really recommend it to Directioners who need to satisfy their fantasies (just kidding). It felt weird playing it, but it was a good weird. Hopefully in 1Dreamboy 3, the creators of the game can step it up a little bit. Make the setting a bit more original and try to go away from the Otome game cliches a bit. But I am very impressed with the graphics. The boys almost looked real and the mini-games were really great to the point I became so amused. So I am giving this game a score of soft-boiled, for being awesome.

If you'd like to try the game out yourself, click here or you can follow them on Twitter (username: @1d_flashgames). Till the next post~

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