Saturday, October 25, 2014

10 Random Anime Cliches

Greetings my insignificant turtle ducks! 

I would like to discuss something that I have always wanted to talk about for a very long time... and as the title suggests, I am going to talk about Anime.

Just like most media, Anime has its very own cliches. Most of the time we just tolerate these and move on with the episode (simply because Anime can be awesome, most of the time). But if you consider yourself as a very observant otaku, then you probably noticed these repeated elements in almost all of the anime shows that you have watched. I will not talk about all of them since there are far too many, but if you have a list of Anime cliches yourself, then feel free to share.
1.) The protagonist's seating arrangement in class- Now I think this the most common cliche ever. Everyone notices this, yet most anime shows still think that it is a good idea to put the main protagonist in the very corner of the classroom, where he or she can be allowed to daydream or sneak away from class or any kind of shenanigan. Or maybe putting that very character in that position of the classroom signifies what a total outcast he or she can be, or something almost close to that. Or maybe it would not be that hard for us to determine who the hero of the story is. 

2.) "I'm never going to give up" speeches- There are probably a million fictional characters with an attribute of determination and Anime probably has more than a third of those. Every time an anime character is close to dying or becoming defeated, he or she somehow manages to stand up and make a long, detailed, sometimes badass, but a completely unnecessary speech that generally says, "I am not going to give up, so I'm just going to fight you until my last breath" then they continue fighting. Most of the time they win, sometimes they don't. Go figure.

3.) The Tardy Student- It is also not hard to figure out who the main character is because they're always late for class! Not only that, they always have to scream at the top of their lungs that they are going to be late for school. 
4.) The Filler Wonderland Episode- Have you encountered the kind of episode, wherein they are in this random alternate universe that somehow resembles a folklore legend or a fairy tale? Then the story of the episode is not connected to the entire plot at all and the characters go as different characters based on the legend or tale they're trying to imitate? Yeah.

5.) Infamous clubs and their lack of members- Every time an Anime focuses on a club, the usual issue is that they do not have enough people signing up. If they don't get enough people to join their team, then the club will cease to exist or something like that. And if that's not the case, then the characters would form or reform a club, yet their obstacles would still be the lack of members and sometimes the funding. But somehow in the end, they managed to convince a fair amount of people (sometimes by force) to join. They make it in time for the deadline, and sometimes the members of the club automatically become regular characters and it is them against their world for the rest of the series.
6.) Food Porn- This is my most favorite cliche of all. Even though it is not really related to the plot, there would be episodes wherein food plays a big role. School girls would normally whip up something special for their senpais, clumsy protagonists would struggle in cooking right in front of the stove, and hot bishounens would effortlessly swoon the ladies with their cooking skills. And the best part is that they show a very detailed finish of their meals, which looks so real that it makes my mouth water like crazy. 

7.) Olympics Episode- I know it somehow part of their culture in their schools and all, but there will always be this episode dedicated to their sports events. Normally, this is where the most "oh my gosh" moments and major plot twists take place. 

8.) Festival Episode- Almost related to number 7. I know it is part of their culture, but this is still where most of the major plot twists and suspense take place. One of the major female characters need to be super kawaii in their kimonos too, otherwise they won't be able to impress senpai.
9.) Fan Clubs- In the Anime World, anyone can have their own fan club. But they must meet the following requirements. First of all, they need to exceptionally good looking. Secondly, they need to be at least very good with their academics. Third, if they are not that smart, they can excel in sports. And last but not least, you need to be "sugoi" in everything you do in order to obtain a fair amount of worshippers.
10.) Yell- Its super effective.

And those are the ten things that  you can easily spot in many Anime shows. If this lessened your interest to delve into the world of the Otakus, then I somehow understand. But if this heightened your interests, then good for you and I wish you good luck on your endless nights of non-stop watching and fangirling. 

Till the next post~

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