Sunday, August 10, 2014

College Vs. High School

Yes. I am still alive! Anyway, the reason why I haven't been updating much is because I've been contemplating on what I should post. Blogging is definitely something I would like to do for the rest of my life and I was hoping this would be a good place to start. On another note, UPCAT (University of the Philippnes College Admission Test) is coming up very soon, and a lot of students would kill just to get in. During the weekend, a lot of my friends who intend to apply for UP are now experiencing UPCAT jitters. I understand perfectly, because I've taken the exam and I know how intense it can be.

I suddenly remembered the days when I was in the middle of trying to find a college for myself. Admittedly, I only applied for three colleges and I only got accepted into one. Yes, applying for colleges can be stressful, since it will coincide with your current school work. If you are a high school student and you are currently reading this, then I'm sure you already have an idea on what you are going to read. I will be sharing the difference between High School and College life, and it will obviously be based on my experiences. However, if you are currently in college or already a graduate, then I guess maybe you can relate to the experience that I am about to share. 

Believe it or not, the adjustment I had to go through was pretty dramatic. I came from a high school that always had strict rules and high standards. My college does the same things, but not always. I guess you will understand what I mean as you read on.

School Shopping

Personally, I love shopping for school. It's been one of the many things I always look forward to whenever school is fast approaching. When I was in elementary, I would buy new things every single year. However, as I grew up, I would end up buying the things I ran out of and I would sometimes recycle what I already had (e.g. notebooks, pens). But when I became a college student, I was honestly not sure of what to buy aside from a yellow pad. I kept buying whatever I thought I needed for my classes, but at the very end I realized that I didn't really need a lot of things. All I needed was a notebook and a pen. That's it. 

As for your textbooks,  it depends on your professors or classes. If your professor requires you to get a specific kind of book or reading (instead of books, you are mostly given readings, which are supposed to expand your mind on the subject or topic, and they are usually photocopied versions from various books that your professors used), then you really need it. However, if they tell you that it isn't required, then you don't have to stress yourself to get a book. Sometimes listening to your professor and taking down notes are enough. But if you really think you need a book for your class, then you always have the option to buy or rent or maybe even borrow. 

Study Habits

I think your study habits will dramatically change. Yes, college can be chill but the term responsibility will have more emphasis once you are a college student. If you are a studious type, then good for you. But if you aren't, brace yourself to eat up your free time just to prepare for your subjects. In my high school, we used to follow a uniformed standard. But when I entered college, each subject had different standards and expectations. The challenges are to meet each and everyone of them. This is where you will have to master the skill of adjusting. 

Friends and Social Life

photo by G2photography
photo by  Pixs N Prints
photo by Faces and Prints Photobooth
Photo by Giezel Gumahad
For me, college was where my social skills were truly put to the test. In high school, it was easy to recognized who to hang out with because I was either batchmates or classmates with my friends. I also saw them everyday. But now, I don't. It feels lonely to not see them as often as I could, but I managed to live with it. I am not saying making friends in college will be difficult. It was pretty easy for me, in fact. I actually gained more friends in college than I ever had in high school. However, I still haven't gotten the chance to officially hang out with any of them yet, because I have different friends or acquaintances every semester. But no worries, I have really close friends among my coursemates. 

Also, "dramas" happen rarely in college, compared to high school. Getting along with my classmates in college seemed easier for me compared to high school. I guess when you're in high school, it is natural for us to feel the need for a sense of belonging. But once you leave high school, you've already learned from your mistakes and you would apply them in college. Sure, there will still be a little space for you to develop yourself in college, but you already have an idea on how to interact and deal with people. I don't know if that's true for others, but not once have I experienced or witnessed a feud in college. Which is great, because you have a lot of other things to worry about in college. 

So far, this is all I can share because I still have a far way to go. For those who are going to take UPCAT or any other college entrance exam then may God bless you all and remember to always hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and to expect nothing. Also, admit your nervousness because it will definitely help you calm down during the exam day. 

I hope you enjoyed reading and I will try my very best to update again soon! 

note: some photos are from my instagram

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