Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Egg Tray [Part II]: Stationery, Beauty, and More

Part I (click here!): Books, Series, Movies, & Apps

We are back with another Egg Tray. I already discussed the fandom-related things that you can check out by clicking part I above. Now I am going to talk about some items that are bit more tangible and that you can definitely use everyday.

I am a massive fan of Stationery and I managed to grab a few items just in time for the brand new semester in my uni. So I found these adorable notebooks (the green and blue one) designed by JoyTop. that are perfect for my schedule since I am taking only a few subjects for now. They are simple, colorful, and very cute. Plus, I love ice cream. If you'd like to get your hands on these kinds of notebooks, then you can get your hands on one or something similar to these at a Novelty Store near you. If you are from the Philippines, I personally recommend the store Stockroom. They have great items including journals, pens, and random helpful things with amazing and cute designs. And they come very cheap. So if you're still looking for a planner, you can go there as well if you're on a budget. Their journals do not exceed 500 php. Right next to it is yes...believe it... a Star Wars Planner designed by Moleskine. I know, it is extreme for me to buy a very expensive piece of writing material just to plan out my year. However, I like the size of it because I want to try smaller planners so they won't add extra weight to my bag, and I like Star Wars. And this looks very physically appealing to me that I just had to get it. 

Another set of stationery I got is also from the Stockroom, and they are these set of black gel pens. They come in assorted designs and I love the fine tip. It may not be as fine or as controlled to that of Pilot's G-tech, but these will suffice especially if you can't afford a box of G-tech pens. Like I said, this Stockroom store is amazing, I definitely recommend it if you want to personalize but still want to save more money.

Also from the Stockroom is this very cute owl pencil case. The material of the pencil case is silicone, I think? It's slightly rubbery but it's surface is still very smooth, which I like. And the design of the owls are just so cute. As a daughter of Athena, I feel very obligated to design my things with owls. And this solved my problems. I will probably keep it until I die because it can also be used as a beauty kit as well. Stockroom actually has a lot of owl designed items, so if you're into that you can go there right now.

Okay, enough of Stockroom, let's take a break with this power bank. I'll admit, it is not physically appealing and probably not worth showing but it is a lifesaver. Lately, I've been going out more frequently and as you all know, one of the most common smartphone issues is the quick battery life it has. This has so much juice in it that it takes days to run out, assuming I don't use it for a while. But when I do use it, it charges my gadgets so quickly and it makes my life more convenient. So if you have a smartphone, I recommend getting one of these especially if you consider yourself a busy person. I got this power bank from my mom, since she's the one who insisted I should have one for myself.

The next item is a bag from Tickles. It's black leather and it is just right for me because I want to keep things simple for this year. My bags are either too big or too small and this one is just the right size, I can move around it easily assuming I do not bring too much things, and I don't have to deal with cleanliness because the material is waterproof and it's black so it's not too obvious if it becomes slowly dirty. I see myself using this bag for a very long time, too. Because it goes well with anything that I wear. 

The two items are beauty products. They are Burt's Bees Lip Crayons. One is in the color, Carolina Coast and its a nude pink shade. It was originally my mom's but she said that this kind of shade does not really suit her so she gave it to me instead. The next darker red tone is called Redwood Forest and it is my favorite. It's sophisticated but at the same time it can go with any casual look. I also like how it looks when it slowly fades on your lips. It doesn't look too pruney. Rather, it makes it look like it's your natural lip color. I bring these with me a lot, in case I go out to somewhere special after classes. 

That is it for my Egg Tray. Now we shall go back to our usual schedule of fangirling and reviewing random stuff. Expect some more reviews on certain Anime movies from now on because that is what I plan for now. So for now, till the next post~ 

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