Friday, January 29, 2016

The Egg Tray [Part I]: Books, Series, Movies, & Apps

Hi! I just realized that I haven't done an Egg Tray post in this blog for quite a long, last November guys! Can you believe how long that was? I can assure you since then that I have accumulated a lot of favorites that I can recommend to you. So yes, that explains why this is the first part of The Egg Tray. For this post I will be talking about what I've watched, read and play during the remainder of 2015 and I gotta say I've seen a lot of films, series, and read a few books and there are some stand outs. So let's get started.



I'd like to begin with something really simple which are some typical photography apps that I grew to enjoy over the past few months. First is called, Phhhoto and it is a camera app that takes instant moving pictures. So yes, kinda like gifs that you can post on your Phhhoto account as well as any social media site that you have. I was drawn to it because of Vanessa Hudgens' Instagram and I had to patiently wait for an Android version to come out. The effect of the moving picture is really good in terms of aesthetics. It has a very artsy, psychedelic feel to it. I can say the same for the filters that you can use. An interesting thing about this app (I don't know if it applies to all smartphones in this case), but it gives you a brand new set of filters that you can use for a specific period in time. And I think it just gives you another reason to keep going back to the app because you get a surprise filter all the time. My only issue with this is that it uploads too slowly I guess? Like I can upload videos on Instagram much faster as compared to this. I don't know why, but apart from that issue I definitely enjoy this app. I recommend it if you want to be a little more creative with your Instagram posts.

Another app offers the same thing, only it is more direct and it is powered by Instagram. Boomerang is purely a camera app that also gives instant moving pictures. I considered this in my list of apps as well simply because it gives me a break from the heavy abstract tones that Phhhoto was offering. Boomerang does not give filters and the movement of the pictures are more fluid. But unlike Phhhoto, I can't save it in gif format. So click here to see how it looks like and you will be able to see the difference. Both apps are available on the Apple Store and Google Play in case any of you are interested.

I've read three books for the remaining of 2015. First is called, 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King. It is the very first horror story I've read. I didn't really get scared but there were some cringe-worthy moments. It's simply a story about dark town and suddenly there are random deaths simultaneously. That's all I can say about the plot for now, but it is a multi-POV story and the story is gripping. So if you're into creepy stories, then I recommend you try any novel of Stephen King.
Another book that I enjoyed was Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. It is a dystopian sci-fi fantasy about Super-powered beings called Epics taking control over people who have no powers at all. The main character named David swears revenge against the Epic Steelheart, who killed his father during the beginning of the Calamity. So he joins a group of rebels, who dedicate their life to eliminating Epics by configuring their weaknesses. The world-building of Steelheart is fantastic. The story is narrated by David, who explains his world casually but very compelling. The other characters are interesting too because each of them have their own story as well. My brothers and I fell immediately in love with the first book so imagine us looking for Firefight, which is very rare in Philippine bookstores nowadays.
Finally, I enjoyed The Iron Trial so much that I decided to purchase the second book. The Copper Gauntlet by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black. It continues the story of Callum, Tamara, and Aaron. After the failed attempt to fail the Iron Trial, his father is even more hellbent on him not returning to the school. Callum grows scared of him and runs to the Magisterium for refuge, but he encounters a new problem when he learns that the Copper Gauntlet has gone missing and he suspects that his father stole it just so he can destroy Callum. The sequel certainly doesn't hold back with its horror elements, considering the fact that it is a middle-grade book. However, I like the extremities put into it and it gives the story a lot more weight and depth. I am beginning to care a lot for the characters, especially Callum is not your average underdog. I know it sounds cliched, but seriously... read the first book and you will be surprised.

As you all know, December month was Anime month for me so I got a chance to watch a few Anime shows. And yes, I reviewed both of them on my blog. First is Cowboy Bebop and it is dubbed as the best anime of all time and I can see why. It's all about bounty hunters who live in the same spaceship, trying to survive. What's interesting about this team is that they're not really a team. They have no interest in working together and all they care about is earning money. But for such a simple plot, the character development has depth and you eventually get invested in each of them. Another anime that I saw is Owari No Seraph.  I know I didn't really give a high grade for this, but I still recommend it simply because of the animation as well as the conflict between human and vampire. It is so interesting and mind-boggling. At the end of the second season, you suddenly question who is really the dark side and if there are any good guys at all.
I also got into some live-action series, as well. It is called Jessica Jones, and I'm sure this title is not that vague to you. Jessica Jones is a private investigator who has superpowers. It may sound like this is a typical origin story where she decides to use her powers for good, but it didn't exactly started out that way. It is an origin story in a sense, but it is implied here that she tried to be a superhero but failed because of this traumatic experience of being controlled and sexually abused by a psychopath named Kilgrave. In this series, she decides to face her past again and to end Kilgrave once and for all. There are many strong messages in this series, and Jessica Jones is an amazing anti-hero character. In each episode, I constantly rooted for her and my goodness...Kilgrave. He's definitely what you call a villain. He's worse than terrible and he can get on my freakin' nerves. So yeah, I definitely recommend this series. It can get really intense and I love the tone set for it. 

I also have a YouTube favorite. As a movie buff myself, I've developed the habit of watching movie reviews just to see how other people think of this certain movie (and also to increase my knowledge on critiquing, as well) and I stumbled upon Chris Stuckmann. For some reason, I enjoy listening to his opinions. Perhaps because I can sense his passion for film-making. I think his enthusiasm is the right amount and I like how he's just sticking to being himself. Most YouTubers I've encountered tend to exaggerate their actions most of the time, but Chris keeps it simple which is very refreshing to the eyes. If you want to know if some films are good, I recommend you try watching the movie reviews of Chris Stuckmann because he does not limit himself to one kind of film. He's also open to random chick flicks, animations, and even foreign films. Also, you will be able to see how much this guy really likes movies and I give kudos to him for being able to channel this interest into something very productive and positive. The video above is him talking about the best movies of 2015. You can go to his channel, where there are tons of random movie reviews that you can enjoy watching. 

Yes, I have seen lots of films including the major ones that came out last year. However, there were certain films that stuck to me and they weren't really the mainstream ones. First, I'd like to set this aside, and that is the Star Wars Original Trilogy. My dear friend has implored me to watch these movies for a very long time and I had to pick the perfect time to watch them... yup, just a few days before the premiere of Episode VII. Appropriate, right? Anyway, I have to be honest. I wasn't really a Star Wars fan back in the day. But I didn't really hate it, I just tolerated it and it felt like it was part of the preexisting world thanks to the dedicated fans out there. But as I watched the trilogy, I don't know...I felt something. The force, maybe? But the story was just intriguing that I just stared at the film watching it progress little by little. I gotta say, I liked the flow of the story a lot and the camerawork was very simple so I was able to watch it with ease and I didn't really get confused. So yeah, I like Star Wars now and I cannot wait for the upcoming "episodes" for it.

Another is very old chick flick and it is called The Princess Bride.  The story is well, about a princess bride, who used to be in love but got hurt so she decides to marry someone she didn't love because she didn't want to experience pain anymore. But then she gets kidnapped and encounters this young pirate who changes her perspective of love all over again. The way they described the story is that it is a mixture of not only passion and love, but also action, drama, suspense and other elements. And it delivered its promise. The action was well-done, the drama was there, and there was a whole lot of suspense as the story progresses. I really liked it, it reminded me of how the traditional romance movies were like and it felt good to see something like it.

I learned about this next film through one of Chris Stuckmann's reviews, and that is Perfect Blue. It's a story about a Pop Idol named Mima, who decides to change her image to a much more serious one by abandoning the Pop Idol life and becoming an actress. Then she encounters so much challenges to this adjustment. She receives death threats, earns a stalker, and so much more. I have to say, it shows what the entertainment industry can be like with a horror and cringing tone to it. This movie has given me so much chills. The pressure and struggles that Mima had to experience seemed so real even if it is just an animation. It's another creepy story that I recommend if you are into those kinds of things, because this will leave your mouth hanging.

Finally, this film is my favorite movie of 2015 and that is When Marnie Was There. I mentioned this in my post about Studio Ghibli films last year and I still urge you to see it. It's a story about an introverted girl who stumbles upon this abandoned mansion and when she explores it she meets this girl named Marnie and they become the best of friends. The movie is not only heartwarming, sweet, and well.. sad...but it is also very puzzling because you will constantly ask yourself what is happening and more importantly, who is Marnie? I can't explain how beautiful this movie is because the mystery and drama parts intertwine with each other so well in this story. Anna, the main character, was so real that I think anyone can easily relate to her. It is a very underrated, so I suggest you give this movie a try and I advise you to prepare some tissues...because it can get intense.

That is the end of Part 1. Yes, expect Part 2 very soon and it will revolve around material stuff this time. For now, till the next post~ 

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