Saturday, September 13, 2014

Let's Review! EOS Smooth Sphere Lip Balm

Once again, mom has introduced me to new beauty products and it is the ever famous Eos lip balm! She had five in her possession and she was generous enough to let me have two of my choice. So I got the Honeysuckle Honeydew (Green) and Sweet Mint (Blue). 

First Impression
As usual, what got me was the packaging. When I first saw them, they reminded me of eggs. Yes, EGGS. Colored Easter eggs with very smooth shells. I'm not even kidding, the surface of cover and body is so smooth!  It makes me want to keep it in my palm forever. However, my only concern was keeping it away from any surface because it looks like it can get easily filthy. 

The Reveal
It tastes so good! Every time I put it on, I become so tempted to eat my lips. The flavor of each balm is just so sweet and refreshing, it made me want to apply more than necessary. Plus, it is not that difficult to use. Just pucker up and apply the lip balm (doing it the old fashion way is fine, too). And it definitely makes my lips even smoother and much more moisturized compared to most balms I've tried in the past. 

This is the Sweet Mint one and I just love the cooling sensation it gives after you put it on. Unfortunately, the minty freshness does not linger too long as compared to the other one. But I still like it, though.

And this is the Honeysuckle Honeydew one. The taste of honey will linger on your lips a little longer and I think that's what I love about it. The sweetness is very strong and it tempts me to chew off my lower lip so bad! Hahaha! 

Basically, it makes your lips not only well-moisturized, but it adds sweet flavors. Its simple, cute, and very handy. The effect may not be as long-lasting, but its size and appearance makes it convenient enough for anyone to bring along when they go out. It can fit in your bags, grooming kits, or even your pockets. And all you have to do is just pucker up and you are done using it! And most of looks really cute. How can you not say no to this? 

Four eggs for you! Awesome job, Eos! 

For more information about Eos (Evolution of Smooth) and their products, click here. You will be able to find their famous lip balms (and yes, there are more flavors available). See you on my next post! 

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