Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fangirl Moment: Arrow Season 3: High Speed Chase Trailer

I do not know where to begin...

Black Canary's Return...
Brandon Routh???


Yes, I just watched the trailer for the first episode of Arrow, which is called High Speed Chase. I know, better late than ever, Tama. Well what can I say,  I was too busy with catching up on Season 2 to even look at it. So now, I've seen it...I am not sure if I will be able to make a comprehensive statement about how I feel right now. I feel excited, I have this sudden urge to bite and strangle anything. I want to scream around the streets like a crazy person, and I want to dance to the background music this trailer has (seriously, what is the title of this amazing song???). So far, Arrow has not disappointed me and each season/episode gets better and better. The previews look very promising and I'm not saying this because I am DC-biased. This series is a whole new level of awesome and if I have to explain why it's so amazing, I would end up writing a novel thicker than the Bible itself. So yeah, I'm keeping my fingers crossed...hoping this season will not flop. DC has certainly found its place in television series (alongside Gotham and Flash). And that's all I can say for now... why? Simple. I am going to watch this trailer again. 

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