Sunday, April 19, 2015

Fangirl Moment! Batman V Superman Official Teaser Trailer (For Realz)

Ok. Because someone managed to leak the entire trailer, we get the full-length of it in high definition earlier than we expected.

Again, this teaser trailer screams teaser trailer. Since the movie is just a year away, it does not reveal too much. All we know is that Superman is being treated like some kind of god, and people are either against it or for it. That alone is pretty interesting and not so surprising. It reminds me of the beginning of Pixar's The Incredibles, when civilization was trying to sabotage all the superheroes. The only difference is that Superman here is viewed as a god. A god to be feared and respected, judging from how the military bows down to him. Now I am curious about what kind of personality Clark will have in this film. Because Superman is a DC character who is filled with humility. It really makes me wonder why he would allow the masses to view him as some sort of deity, who ends up being disrespected in the end.

As for Batman...well I am stoked. Not everyone is not huge about the idea of Ben Affleck becoming the next Batman. Some of my friends are not approving of it, since most of us are still convinced by the idea that Christian Bale nailed the role and only he can uphold the Batman name. I have to be honest, I had my doubts about it as well. I am not too familiar with Affleck's work, and let's be real here; his Daredevil days were not so hot. But when I heard his dialogue, which is the famous one-liner, "Do you bleed" thing. Yeah. For the first time ever, I took Batman's intimidating voice very seriously. It sounds so good. It's crispy, tough, and empowering. It almost sounds like the Batman I grew up to know and love. Sorry Bale.

One thing is certain. Superman is someone to be feared in this film. But then again, we are not sure until we see more trailers of it. For all we know, he could framed, brainwashed, or both. All we know is Superman is messed up and Batman needs to intervene. Then their meeting will give birth to the Justice League. Boom. Can't wait for more. Hopefully the next trailer will reveal a glimpse of Wonder Woman please?

Till the next post~

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