Friday, June 12, 2015

Writer's Block: On Tastes and Preferences

Whether we like it or not, we all get judged and judge even if it is considered a bad thing (source: The Bible). What's even worse is that we get immediately judged based on our interests. For instance, if I like watching The Star Wars Trilogy, then I am possibly considered a prestigious geek. If I enjoy reading Twilight, I am immediately labeled as this illiterate fangirl. I know that there are certain kinds of people who don't really care about what others say about their likes and dislikes, but its really depressing and infuriating to know that there are people who will think lowly of you simply because you like something generic.

Let me remind everyone that interest is called interest for a pretty good reason; we like it. That's all there is to it. Liking a movie or a book is kinda similar to being in love as described in most YA novels. In other words, sometimes we can't clearly explain why we enjoy something and I'm sure this is something most fangirls can relate to. In other words, why should someone be badly judged for simply having an interest in something? For me, it's not fair to insult someone's taste simply because it doesn't match your own. I guess it's something that I've learned growing up.

If you guys still can't picture what I want to emphasize, just think about your friends or siblings or anyone you're close to. At some point, you can express yourselves (or in the case of this blog, "fangirl") to them without having this tinge of fear of being teased. And that feeling is great. And I guess that's how your mortal life should always feel. Now think of your dislikes. When you encounter someone who happens to be interested in your dislikes, then the common courteous thing to do is to be polite right? But at times, especially when were still young and naive, we think disdainfully about why this person would even like this thing you consider crap. It may be just a thought to most people, but the fact that you've thought of it in your very own mind? That's terrible.

Looking back at the times I did that, I ended up being very disgusted with myself. Then I began thinking why can't we just respect that person instead of asking why they consider Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele the best OTP in literary history. Just thinking about it is time consuming and very exhausting. Because in the end, we would probably never be able to understand why. That's the beauty of diversity, my lovely people.

Our world is aspiring to become a place were we can be equal, just, beautiful, colorful, and unique all at the same time. But I believe that the beginning of something big starts with the tiniest step. And we can all start with this. If you're one of those people who does hate comments or thinks badly about other people's tastes and preferences, then please consider what you are doing if it is even worth your energy. Learn how to simply respect what they like, because that's the easiest way to go. So basically, yes, this is the best advice I can share to you. When you can accept someone liking something you don't like, then congratulations. You're on your way to maturity. If you guys think this is not maturity, then I don't know what else to say.

I have to admit, doing this is extremely hard. Especially when you consider yourself a very proud and firm person. But sometimes, there would be times that your pride won't be needed at all. All you have  to do is nod, and swallow that disgusting sin. Don't even bother trying to explain why you hate what he or she likes, like you're suddenly some debating expert (because if you think about it, is that really necessary?). Just say what you also like, and move on with your life. Make love, not war.

Till the next post~

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