Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Scrambler's List: Top 10 Fictional Moms

Hello everyone, happy mother's day! So of course, today's blog post will be talking about moms. Every fandom has a mom, even a fictional one. Let's countdown the most memorable fictional moms and hear what they have to say. But to make this more interesting, I'm going to make this list look at a different perspective. It's going to look at the top 10 worst moms in fiction. That way, aspiring moms would know better than to follow their example.

10.) All the Deceased Disney Moms - They never did anything. Their dads did all the work. You had one job, writers. To keep the moms alive...and to be more original.

9.) Valka (How To Train Your Dragon 2) - Let's face it, guys; she had the choice to return home and her decision for not doing so was not that clear to me. She could've returned home and provided a bit of evidence to Stoick that dragons were not so bad, after all. Imagine all the possibilities from there, guys. Stoick would've been alive today.

8.) Toph (Legend of Korra) - But I totally get her. She wasn't able to see what was going on with her kids, anyway. Oh wait....

7.) Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones) - I don't have to explain why she's just terrible.

6.) Ragyo Kiryuin (Kill La Kill) - She's basically Cersei in Anime form.

5.) Carrie's Mom/Margaret White (Carrie) - She needs Jesus.

4.) Wendy Darling's Mom (Peter Pan, Disney) - She ain't a deceased but she didn't do anything for Wendy but be pretty.
3.) Ash Ketchum's Mom (Pokemon) - Because who doesn't get bothered by her own son not aging at all. Wait a second.... she doesn't age either.

2.) Moira Queen (Arrow) - Not only is she a privileged white woman, but a liar too!


1.) Martha Wayne (Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice): Now we know Batman's weakness...

That is it! Once again, Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there. Never be inspired by the moms I mentioned here, and continue to stay awesome! Till the next post~

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