Tuesday, January 19, 2016

New Yolk Times: Thoughts on ARROW

We are almost done with our series countdown and for the second to the last, I will be talking about the fourth season of Arrow. Arrow has been my favorite TV series and I absolutely love talking about it here on my blog. If it weren't for this series, we would not have The Flash, Supergirl, The Legends of Tomorrow, and other DC TV shows going nuts around media.

For the past three seasons, I guess it is safe to say that the series is very direct about their villains. In season one, we had Malcolm Merlyn; the second season was Slade Wilson and his Mirakuru buddies (and this is also my favorite season of Arrow); the third season had one of the most iconic DC villains, Ra's Al Ghul; and now we're down to season four, whose main villain is Damien Darhk. I gotta say, I love this villain. He is what I would call an improvement to the series. Ra's Al Ghul was not a very impressive villain, in my opinion because of many distractions happening in the third season. Damien, however, is delivering the whole show. It was good to see Neal Mcdonough take on this character, and how he made him a very interesting villain. Darhk as an antagonist, is very upfront with his battles and his charismatic charm gives people the perception that he is potentially dangerous. He is a very menacing character, and it is what Arrow has been missing for a very long time.

Thanks to him, the situation at Star City has gotten worse and it has become pretty scary. People who run for mayor get killed, and there are people who are considering to move out because the streets have become way too dangerous with Darhk's men lurking around. The whole setting around Arrow has suddenly become intriguing but at the same time edgy. Also the tension Darhk has with Oliver Queen is really good. There is not only great dialogue, but some pretty good fight scenes as well. And I like how the scenes show the Darhk has the upper hand. It makes us think how Oliver is going to defeat this guy? Does he need to call Constantine again? But the real question lies in how Oliver reacts to the situation.

So far, Oliver's character development is very slow. He seems happier and more lighter this season, I'll give him that. However, his leadership skills remain the same and his reactions remain the same all throughout. It's a good thing he is able to voice out how his perspective changes, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see it as much. In spite of that, I am able to see changes in the way he interacts with the other characters. Especially with Felicity. I am surprisingly okay with the chemistry because they still remain themselves, only this time they are in love. The only thing I do not like about their relationship is the drama. It can get petty and out of place, so whenever they argue it no longer feels like I am watching Arrow anymore.

It is disappointing that they weren't able to put emphasis on what the worse could happen when they return to Star City. Here's the thing; they returned to the city and Oliver just easily becomes the Green Arrow. I don't know with you guys, but I think there is something off about that moment. At the beginning of the season, he seems perfectly happy and satisfied with the normal life he had with Felicity. Then suddenly he has this urge to become a vigilante again? Let me talk to you briefly about a part in Young Justice season 2. Wally West and Artemis Crock were in the same boat as Oliver and Felicity. They wanted to have a normal life, but under the circumstances they decided to put on their costumes again and it was supposed to be only for a little while. They had no intention of becoming heroes again, because they were afraid of losing the life they had. It's what makes Young Justice such a heavy series to watch. You see these characters questioning themselves, wondering if what they are doing is worth the comfort they finally had. Their fear of uncertainty gives weight to the show and it makes you feel for the characters. Arrow is not able to give that kind of build-up, unfortunately.

The story so far is a bit vague, because the whole question I am constantly asking myself is what Damien Darhk is doing. Why does he have these ghosts? What does he want with Star City? Why does he want this Green Arrow or Oliver out of the way so bad? What is really up to? And finally, we get a hint of what H.I.V.E. is up to at the midseason finale. And up till now, I still have no idea what they are going to do and it is screwing up my mind. I love the suspense attached to it, this time. The mystery is so good and I hope they are able to tie it all down in the end. The other subplots occurring in this show are fine. Thea's bloodlust arc is an interesting mix to the show because it gives another chance for Speedy to evolve. It was interesting to see Felicity grow as her own person when she tries to run a company on her, but unfortunately we're not able to see more of that because it just cuts off abruptly. The only character arc Laurel has to deal with is her sister Sara, who rises from the pit. After that, she suddenly became white noise and she no longer seems that major to the plot. I could honestly say the same for Diggle. The flashback subplot has a very slow pacing, therefore, I suddenly lost interest into what is going to happen next. Although that was a drag, I am glad that the writers have come to their sense and brought the past Oliver back to the island because I think it's what makes him the Oliver we know today. I just wish they could pick up the pace a little.

I have a lot of mixed feelings for this show at the moment, but there are many things I am excited about. First is the return of Roy Harper. I am curious as to how he's going to get involved in this whole conflict. I also would like to know how Thea's arc is going to conclude, and I also would like to know the plan of Damien Darhk (finally). And yes, I am also dying to know what happens to Felicity as well as the big reveal of who dies in the end. I have my suspicions, but let's leave it at that. I am crossing my fingers for the show to tie down all the conclusions really well this time. For the series countdown finale, I will be sharing my thoughts on The Legends of Tomorrow pilot episode. So till the next post~

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