Saturday, April 11, 2015

Get to Know Me!

I have done 60 blog posts (including this one) now and I think it's time...for you to know me.

And no. Nobody really tagged me. The questions came from this blog I found (click here to check out her blog, it looks pretty interesting). I thought it would be a good idea to this kind of thing. So let's do this!

1.) Are you named after anyone? According to my dad, I was named after some notable female figure in Russia. I'm not sure if she was a princess, a queen or a mere legend, though.

2.) When was the last time you cried? Fifteen minutes ago. I'm pretty good at fake crying.

3.) Do you have kids? No. :)

4.) If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? How interesting. But I think I will, because knowing me...I do not have much close and permanent friends. Hehe. *heart breaks*

5.) Do you use sarcasm a lot? ...*grins* Yes.

6.) Will you ever bungee-jump? I'm torn, actually. I'm scared of heights, so a part of me really wants to say no and never do it. But the curious and adventurous side is urging me to conquer my fears and do it for the sake of experience, anyway. So I'm not really sure at this point.

7.) What's your favorite cereal? I do not have one exact favorite but I have three; Honey Stars, Frosties, and Milo. Damn, I am craving for cereals right now.

8.) What's the first thing you notice about people? I don't really look at their appearances (and I am able to say that because I suck at remembering names and faces), unless they have one trait on their face or body that really stands out from the rest. But if there's one thing that I will bound to notice, that would be their charisma. I tend to remember the people who are very approachable and confident in the social skills, and I also never forget the ones who are extremely shy or distant, as well.

9.) What is your eye color? Coffee Brown.

10.) Scary movie or happy endings? Scary movie. ;)

11.) Favorite Smells? Freshly mowed grass, the ocean, Jasmine flower, and my current sweet Victoria's secret perfume.

12.) Summer or Winter? Winter because I have not seen that with my naked eye yet.

13.) Computer or Television? Oh. Definitely my computer.

14.) What's the farthest you've been from home? Going to the States when I was less than 5 years old.

15.) Do you have any special talents? I'm good at amateur photography and creating multimedia graphic nonsense. I can draw, sketch, and paint (particularly watercolor), curl my tongue, multitask on my computer, sing terribly, make weird voices, and I am a brutally honest person.

16.) Where were you born? The Philippines!

17.) What are your hobbies? I lurk in social media, I obviously blog, I binge watch series and movies, I read, I fangirl about what I read and watch (hence the blog), I study (believe it), I doodle (I don't have time for drawing serious art now, unfortunately), and I take selfies.

18.) Do you have any pets? Yes! I have a dog and cats. Lots and lots of cats.

19.) Favorite movie? Don't pull that question on me.

20.) Do you have any siblings? Yes. Happy National Siblings Day.

21.) What do you want to be when you grow up? ..... Someone awesome. *nods*

Till the next post~

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