Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fangirl Moment! #BatmanVSuperman OFFICIAL Teaser


I know that Avengers: Age of Ultron is just a week away and everyone is absolutely excited to see another clash of heroes and squads working together, but allow me this. After a millenium... we are getting the Batman Vs. Superman trailer we all deserve.

...Well almost. 

Unlike the Star Wars trailer, fans will not have a hard time analyzing this trailer frame by frame. Not only because it is twenty seconds long, but also it is literally a teaser. This teaser has definitely outdone its right as a freakin' teaser. It was total tease! Like seriously! What you see is what you get...for now.

Luckily, we will get a slightly bigger picture of it by Monday once they release the official trailer. But for now, let's keep our fingers crossed weirdos. It's finally happening. The DC crossover we have all been waiting for. It's time for them to shine, suckers.

Then again, it's kind of funny that we are having our anticipated DC trailer on the same week as the Avengers film, right? Haha, I see what you did there business people. 

Till the next post~

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