Sunday, December 21, 2014

Writer's Block: Hate on the Internet

Before the holidays even began, I could not wait to dedicate myself to blogging. Now I'm in the middle of vacation, I ended up getting lazy. I'm sure that I am not the only one experiencing this. So, for the sake of sharing my thoughts to you, I will talk about writer's block and how I deal with it.

Writer's block is what I call a sin for all writers. It is the common enemy, the obstacle, the main reason why we can't get any work done in time. It literally blocks your mind to all these incredible ideas that you have yet to use! Because of the mental block, you end up wandering mindlessly and you end up being unproductive. Apart from pure laziness, I don't know what are the other causes of this damned disease. If there was an actual mallet that can dismantle the block in my brain, I'd be happy to sacrifice a huge fragment of my soul for it (I'm only exaggerating, of course).

So yes, this will not be the last time that I will go through something like this. So forgive me if a post of mine becomes bland; it means I am experiencing writer's block. However, there is something I would like to talk about, but it won't be as spontaneous as the others. Since it is about the internet.

This may be the first time that I will be sharing this, but I love watching Youtubers. They're funny, easy to relate with, and very random. I love hearing about their thoughts and their ideas. Their spontaneity and jokes can always brighten up the worst days for me. Lately, every time I try to read the comment section (usually, I do that to read the top comments, which are most of the time hilarious)...I end up finding a lot of unpleasant things. Meaning, it's either spam, a troll comment, or just a plain rude remark. Why is that? Why has the cyber world gone so bitter, is the real world that bad now?

I know that the whole issue of "hate in the internet" won't disappear any time soon but I can't help but to readdress it. Because, I feel strongly against cyber bullying and anything related to that. Nobody wants to be disrespected. Nobody. And if you say that you don't mind being treated with disrespect, then I do not know what's wrong with you. And if you are one of those people who enjoy writing mean or spam-worthy comments, then I get that you guys have nothing better to do with your lives; but do you really have to affect other people with your negativity? This whole hating and trolling is kinda like a virus. For some odd reason, you just feel like typing an offensive comment and sending it means spreading that virus all over the net, affecting a lot of people. And the next thing you know, others are following the very same bad example.

And it is not surprising that nothing much will change regardless of what I say here. As far as I know, this is just the beginning, and unless there is a law on internet etiquette or something, then this whole hate thing won't end anytime soon. I just want everyone to know that it's seriously happening and it's not a laughing matter. I've experienced cyber bullying and I know a lot of other people who went through it, too. A rude comment may not have an affect on you, but it can greatly affect most people. Youtubers like Pewdiepie have made it clear that the internet is no longer a happy place, it is broader than that. Also, I'm sure you've heard about Zoella and her hater issues. It is natural for famous like them to have haters, yes, but at the end of the day...they are people...with feelings. They get hurt, too. And judging from their posts regarding the internet, the comments, and the hate.... it's taking a great toll on them too.

Has the world gone sadistic?

The best tip for every internet user is very overrated yet very simple; think twice before doing something. And I think that's very self-explanatory. For the ones affected by the hate, don't fret. This may be hard to take in, but do not focus on the bad stuff. Appreciate what you already have and once you do, you will realize that you have nothing to lose. Basically, don't listen to the haters and just focus on yourself, because you know yourself better than they do. Stay strong!

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