Friday, June 2, 2017


Hey guys! I AM BACK!!!!!!

I guess I owe you guys an explanation (assuming I still have viewers, but whatever).

So I guess it all started with some internet problems I experienced during the late of May 2016. I could not access my browser or my apps, and it was crazy. I thought that my network was having some sort of technical difficulty so I decided to wait it out. I had a feeling it would be fixed in a month...then it became two months...then three. During those times, I lost the momentum that I had when I was posting blogs and I was really disappointed in myself. The -Ber months have already hit, and my internet was a bit wonky.

I know I shouldn't use crappy internet as an excuse, but I also suddenly lost time. By June 2016, I had my practicum and I was working 24/7, morning to night. And that period of my life was very exhausting. Also,  I was anxiously finishing up my thesis at the time. After all the hectic things in my life, I decided to have my internet connection fixed. But once it was, I decided not to jump into blogging right away. Why? Because it was Christmas vacation by the time it was fixed and I really wanted a break. Also since then, I haven't been watching enough Anime, Movies, or TV shows. I didn't have any book to read. So I wanted to catch up on with that before I blogged and believe me, and that took months.

Looking back, however, I realized that I was mostly reluctant and I had no idea why I felt that way. I enjoyed whatever I posted here and it didn't matter to me whether or not I had enough traffic. It was more than enough for me to have this tiny space where I can express random thoughts and opinions on many aspects of pop culture. Maybe because I needed the right inspiration, but whatever. I am back hahaha.

So what have I been up to lately? Well, like I said, I finished the major requirements for college, which are my thesis and my practicum. Very stressful, but I am grateful to have been able to finish them last year. I've never felt more accomplished in my life. I am still continuing school, though, because I have a few units left before graduation. Apart from that, I've been binge watching interesting anime, and other TV shows that do not involve Superheroes--surprisingly enough--and I cannot wait to share them in this very blog. Hopefully I do not get lazy or reluctant, again. Ah, it actually feels great to type once more.

Also, my blog's birthday is coming up, so I am coming up with something very special for it as we speak. It shall be my ultimate comeback post. But also, I want to change up my content just a little. I want to be more opinionated this time, so most of my blogs might follow an editorial format. And my following posts will be about the most random things in anime, TV, and movies. I don't know exactly how to go about it yet, but all I know is that I want to be more bold with my opinions and thoughts. I think its time.

Anyway, I am so glad to be back. I will try my best to post more often, now that I've got the time. So once again, till the next post~

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