Sunday, October 18, 2015

7 Fandom Etiquettes To Follow

As we become more involved in our fandoms, we develop a certain behavior. And I'm not just talking about the squealing and yelling part. We do other habits as well. Habits that may seem normal to your friends, but peculiar to others who don't have the time to understand you. So here are 10 things people in Fandoms tend to follow.

1.) Stalking- For most people, this skill is considered "research". You open your computer and the first thing you type on a search engine bar is the name of your Fandom. If you're a tumblr user, you would naturally follow blogs who cater to your interests and then you would reblog all the pictures and texts to your hearts' content. Initially this would take hours and sometimes, you will be able to tell that you are spending that much time on your computer when an adult starts telling you stop. I would like to call this type of action, "taking some vitamins". Because the main course called, "watching, listening, or reading your fandom" is still not enough. You just need more of it and you thank the heavens for the progression of technology.

2.) Buying the merchandise- If you are blessed with a disposable income or a great amount of allowance, then you have every right to buy whatever nook and cranny that has the logo of your fandom imprinted. When you get this fandom, you tend to identify with it or it becomes a part of you. It helps when you to buy something you use everyday that has the face of your favorite book or actor. Sometimes it feels like you need to let the whole world you love this fandom, and it can also be a signal or magnet for other people who could possibly relate to you, as well.

3.) Explaining Things- One thing we need to constantly remind ourselves when we join a fandom; not everyone will understand us. Not everyone will get the inside jokes or the feels we get whenever we see a specific characters. So there will be times--if you have the patience to do so--to explain what the fandom is, what is about, and what's in it, to other people. But it can be quite a chore, because it's hard to explain it to someone who has no intention to convert at all. In the end, they just don't get it. Why we love fandoms.

4.) Getting the feels reaction- We all get this a lot. Whenever our fandoms does….well, anything… we tend to get "feels". No matter what they do, they tend to hit our hearts with wonder and sorrow. It's a science that cannot be fully comprehended. If someone can do a full study on this, please let me know in the comments.

5.) Being Defensive- As told by my Mean Girls post, we get all defensive when someone says something off about our fandoms. You think Dean is not hot? Then you are in trouble. You don't like what you watched? Then you have bad taste. You don't like J.K. Rowling's writing technique? Then you're the spawn of Satan. When you say something inaccurate about a book or movie, the job of a fandom member is to correct you in a way that will make you feel that you are the most idiotic person in the world. I guess people who are in fandoms have the tendency to be mean. Really mean. So don't take their hatred, personally. The love is too much to handle.

6.) Adapting the Fandom Linggo- Sometimes you tend to copy whatever a character or a member in a Fandom mentions, and it becomes part of the unofficial Fandom dictionary. As our vocabulary grows, a fandom becomes even more incomprehensible to the outside world. However it becomes part of the identity thing. When it gradually becomes a part of you, you adapt to the language too. So fandom can also be considered a culture. Like that of the Kpop fandom.

7.) Creating Inside Jokes- It becomes ten times more amusing when fandoms create inside jokes. It's a sign that everyone who have the same interests are slowly becoming closer together like a family. And whenever someone else mentions it, other fandom members would exchange looks and they would try their best not to laugh out loud like lunatics. But having someone to easily to relate through inside jokes can be one of the best feelings in the world.

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