Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My Blog Turns 1 + Official Facebook Page

Today is a very special occasion because today marks the anniversary of!

First and foremost, thank you so much for reading my past 74 blog "fandomized" blog posts. And sorry if I do not have anything awesome to talk about today. However, I do have a very important announcement.

When I started blogging, I didn't really expected anything. I created a blog simply because I wanted to. I've always loved writing and I thought I needed an outlet from my real life, and this blog was my solution. It may seem small compared to most, but I am very happy with what I have accomplished the past year. Even if its quite insignificant right now, thank you for the views.

So, to make things a bit more convenient, I have decided to open up... yup, you guessed it. A Facebook Page! That's right. My blog now has now an official cliched FB page, for the social media addicts in the world. It is now up and running, but so far, I shall be posting only the past five posts I did. But I shall guarantee you that once you like the page, expect my future posts to be featured there.I will also be posting other random things in there, such as the usual memes, announcements, and articles from other blogs or websites.

You may now log on to and start viewing it. If you're viewing this from an actual laptop, you can now click on Facebook, which is located on the right side of this site alongside the rest of my social media accounts.

And that is it, please visit my page. Give it a like, And till the next post~

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